Sunday, June 7, 2009

ink washes and other experiments

Living in Philadelphia has proved so far, to be the right decision. My biggest fear was that I would not be inspired to make art. However, a friend of mine has commissioned me to paint two experimental paintings. We discussed specific artists and specific paintings, and her likes and dislikes. I gave her an idea about what I plan to try, and am being honest about that I have no idea how they will end up. I started the first one, and hope to change it every few days for the rest of the month. Will start the other one soon too, hopefully. State one:

I also did a painting of another friend of mine, of whom I took some reference photos a few weeks ago:

In other news, I took some screen-caps of my friend Aisha via skype a few weeks ago. I painted this last night as well.

So, all in all, not that bad. Let's keep it moving!

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