Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Run Around, Stop, Look at Art.

Well, I made it to Brooklyn this time. Saw some amazing people, museums, and I understand NYC/Brooklyn much more than I did. All in all, mission accomplished!

My AAM card lets me in to any AAM Museum (and others too!) for free, sometimes with a guest too! So I ended up going to 10 museums in 4 days, and my friend Dave got to go to some with me, including the Guggenheim!
The MET is always a good time, and I always end up seeing a new Alfred Emile Stevens painting! He's one of my favorites, and I can't find a book of his work anywhere. I can usually spot him a mile away too!
This lovely work is by Kees van Dongen. I am so in lust with these color choices! (Even more intense in person of course)

I had just enough time to run through the Natural History Museum before having to head back to the Gug, who were nice enough to hold my bag while I toured the city without it for a bit.

Wednesday Dave and I went to the MOMA.

How he loves his art!
I really loved this Matisse. I couldn't look away. I need to paint more nudes. (!!!!!!!) (And this particular painting wasn't even at the big Matisse show (on the 4th floor?), and that was really good. We were pretty tired, so I just ran through it while Dave rested outside. It was like a miniature depiction of my week, just running around looking at art smiling wildly and feeling a little bit insane and a lotta bit excited.)

Finally saw a Kara Walker in person! It was really amazing.

Dave left and I hit up the American Folk Museum, sort of just breezed through it, but it was interesting. Then I met him for his fringe show, In the Schoolyard. Not so much my cup of tea, but enjoyable nonetheless. And I got to see two fringe shows! Talk about an education!

Then I booked it to the New Museum, where I couldn't take any photos, but had a really good time there too. The space is amazing! Ran to the Whitney, and had an amazing time. I had only been there for the 60s show a few years ago, but was awesome (really, how many other words are as pure as "amazing" and "awesome"?) Then bolted (note use of increasingly hurried adjectives, as my time in NYC runs short!) to the Frick where I finally saw Ingres' Contesse d'Haussonville... and cried. Like a sap. I didn't expect to, but I love him.

And the Neue Museum. I remembered my love for Schiele and Klimt, as well as discovered George Minne, and educated myself in Otto Dix, of whom I had remained mostly ignorant through my art education.

One more museum: The Brooklyn Museum. It was so much bigger than I was expecting! And I had forgotten about their Warhol exhibit. I have also been rather ignorant of him, passing him off as "that pop artist" but now I know better!

Then some Kiki Smith, although perhaps I didn't spend enough time with her.

Larry Rivers

And even got to see Judy Chicago's The Dinner Table!!!!
It was really the icing on the cake!

Vadis Turner
And even some Louise Bourgeois.

I have a TON of new ideas for new paintings (especially inspired by Matisse- I am starting two large canvases, for painting from life Leslie's living room or kitchen area. Things like PAINT BIG, ITS IMPORTANT! kept coming into my head, and I listened.)

More to come!

1 comment:

E.V. said...

That painting by Matisse is fantastic!!! I printed it out to put on my wall.

And I didn't know about Kees van Dongen. How awesome! I'll take note!